




Public deliverables and other publications will continously be presented here.

Information sheet CascEff new version uploaded in March 2017.

Articles relating to cascading effects

September 2017 – Conference on cascading effects – a success (published in Brandposten)
September 2017 – Cascading effects characterised and modelled in CascEff (published in Brandposten)
February 2016 – Halftime for CascEff (published in Brandposten)
September 2014 – The Sala Fire – Pressrelease (in Swedish)
September 2014 – The Laerdal fire (published in Brandposten)
September 2014 – CascEff kick-off published in Brandposten

WP1 – Incident Management
Workshop with EEAB (D1.1) Not public
Report of incident management in crisis (D1.2)
A flowchart of the methodology for improved incident management in crisis (D1.3) Not public
Report on scenarios to be elaborated for testing the incident evolution methodology (D1.4)
Recommendations for improvement of current incident management in crisis (D.1.5)
CascEff Glossary and Definitions (D1.6)


WP2 – Originators and Dependencies
Method to study cascading effects (D2.1)
Review of previous incidents with cascading effects (D2.2)
A list of identified originators and dependencies in studied incidents and conditions which lead to cascading effects (D2.3) Not public
Report on technical needs for integrating the e.cenaris platform for cloud monitoring of hazards in crisis situations (D2.4)
Modelling of physics in cascading effects (D2.5)
Losses and consequences of large scale incidents with cascading effects (D2.6)

WP 3 – First responder Tactics, human activities, interaction and behaviour
Modelling of response to emergencies with cascading effects (D3.1)
Decision-making and human behavior in emergencies with cascading effects (D3.2)
A strategy for communication between key agencies and members of the public during crisis situations (D3.3). The report was Revised in May 2016.
A report on the role of the media in the information flows that emerge during crisis situations (D3.4)

WP4 – Incident evolution tool
A report on the role of the media and the information flows that emerge during crisis situations (D4.1) Not public
Methodology for creating a model of an incident with cascading effects for future threat  (D4.2)
The use of the CascEff IEM is subject to an Attribution ShareAlike license.
Initial structure for implementation of the incident evolution tool (D4.3) Not public
Final structure for implementation of the Incident Evolution Tool (D4.4) Not public
Specifications for communication between CascEff IET and Incident Management Tools (D4.5)
Website with the Incident Evolution Methodology and the Incident Evolution Tool (D4.6)

WP5 – Scenario development and simulated exercises
Detailed description of selected scenarios (D5.1)
Debriefing reports from simulations using all the systems
incorporated into the project: iCrisisTM, NoKeos, XVR, and WIS (D5.2) Not public
Report on initial testing simulations (D5.3)
Report on validation of implemented incident management methodology (D5.4)

WP6 – Dissemination
Dissemination plan (D6.1) Not public
Project Website (D6.2)
Project Leaflet (D6.3)
Activities and communication with the CascEff External Experts Advisory Board (EEAB) (D6.4) Not public
Joint activities with other FP7 Projects (D6.5) Not public
Training and educational material D6.6
CascEff – Market Analysis and Exploitation Strategy (D6.7) Not public
CascEff – Project Summary report (D6.8) Not public
Project vision and approach (D6.9)