La prévention des risques d’origine naturelle ou technologique est devenue une obligation essentielle de l’entreprise et des gouvernements que les grands tremblements de terre d’Haïti (2010) et de Tohoku (2011) nous ont cruellement rappelés. Les Journée scientifiques voient permettre à des spécialistes reconnus de faire partager leur expérience dans ce domaine
The event is addressing the goals, methods and challenges of risk prevention and disasters associated with natural hazards. Several specialists from different areas have been invited to deliver their experience and last developments in these fields.
The first day is dedicated to the issue of assessing vulnerabilities to natural hazards: how this evaluation is conducted at the scale of the works, infrastructures and territories? How ncertainties in this assessment are taken into account? How do insurance companies deal with it? What are the recent developments in the evaluation processes?
Starting from the example of the 2010 Haiti earthquake and other seismic threats in the world, the second day will address the question of risk and disaster management from the point of view of systems warning, rescue organization and reconstruction focusing particularly on new approaches and challenges facing the society.
The event is in French – it is free of charge but requires a registration.
Hosted by:
Ecole des Mines de Nancy
Université de Lorraine