The objective of Task 2.5 is to investigate how computer modelling can be used as input to an Incident Evolution Tool (IET). In some situations the cascading effects depend on the physics and to fully understand the effect of incident management, also physical processes need to be modelled. Therefore, this task aims at modelling the necessary processes in order to support the simulated exercises in WP5 based on the physical effects identified in Task 2.3.
In total three scenarios are simulated within Task 2.5, two scenarios involved fire (Mont Blanc tunnel and wildland fire cases) and one scenario involved pollutant dispersion near a populated area. A detailed description of the numerical set-up used to model the scenarios is given and the results from the numerical simulations of the different test cases considered are analyzed. Based on the simulation results, valuable conclusions are drawn for each test case with regards to the viability of the use of numerical modelling as input for the IET to be developed within the project and for the simulated exercises to be performed within WP5.