At this page you will find links related to CascEff and within the area of interest.
Research Executive Agency (REA)
A funding body created by the European Commission to maximise the efficiency and impact of EU research and innovation programmes.
Other Projects working with cascading effects
- RAIN – Risk analysis of infrastructure networks in response to extreme weather
- REAKT – Strategies and Tools for Real Time EArthquake RisK ReducTion
- Crisma – Modelling crisis management for improved action and preparedness
- Fortress – Foresight Tools for Responding to cascading effects in a crisis
- Predict – PREparing for the Domino effect in Crisis siTuations
- STREST – Harmonized approach to stress tests for critical infrastructures against natural hazards
- Snowball – The FP7 Project snowball
- driver – Driving Innovation in Crisis Management for European Resilience
- InfraRisk – INFRAstructure at RISK from Natural Hazard